Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Revolution in Battery Recharging!

Here's a question for you...How do you currently dispose of your used up alkaline batteries?

Most people...myself included, merely toss them in the bin without a second thought. We really should pay heed to this thoughtlessness though, as in essence, our landfills are increasingly becoming the home to seriously toxic chemicals which...if we're not careful, can get into our precious groundwater and effect our already fragile ecosystem.

This excerpt, taken from Earth Talk (The Environmental Magazine) states :

"Unfortunately, most of the more than 750 million alkaline batteries sold each year to power our cameras, flashlights and Discmans are landfilled and incinerated, not recycled. The chemicals in these batteries—particularly cadmium—present a major health hazard if they leak from their corroded metal jackets. Cadmium is a probable human carcinogen, and it can also affect kidney and lung function".

Now, when one starts thinking of all those people dear to you that are suffering from some or other type of Cancer, vague links begin to form...

Makes a person think doesn't it...?

Our in house brand, Relife, has a remarkable product in its range. A product that may not defeat the alkaline battery disposal problem in its entirety, but help nonetheless.

This nifty and attractive desktop charger, has the ability of recharging NON RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES.

You heard me right. You no longer have to fork out for those costly rechargeable batteries which are roughly 4 times the price of the normal alkaline version. This charger is capable of recharging most good quality alkaline batteries as well as Ni-CD and Ni-MH batteries up to 40 times!

With a 24 hour auto shut down of the device,  one is given peace of mind that the charger will not overheat, overcharge or short circuit.

The Relife battery charger is so intellligent it is capable of identifying faulty batteries, incorrect polarity, negative delta voltage, zero delta voltage and high temperatures...a serious breakthrough in battery technologies.

Available at the extremely reasonable price of R489.00, from our online store (www.civvio.com) and select independents around the Western Cape, you'll be silly to miss out on this fantastic "must have" essential for any eco-conscious home. Every little bit helps!

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