Sunday 14 April 2013

Get with the times SA!....legalise the growth of industrial hemp!

Recently, H&M, one of the world's largest retailers announced the launch of their eco-aware "Conscious Collection". H&M become eco-aware! If one of the World's money hungry giants can start making a difference, then SA better jump on the bus and get with the times!

Celebrities the world over are becoming staunch fans of hemp - hey, Woody Harrelson so much so that he wore a tux made of it!

With the global economy being in serious decline, legalised industrial hemp production in South Africa really would be a giant leap forward in job creation and reduced farming costs -- no need to spend loads on unnecessary pesticides..hemp (our wonder plant) is immune to most pests and weeds.

With water being an ever present issue the world over, hemp's water wise characteristics are another plus for the plant. Hemp's long reaching root system also discourages soil erosion and, with every harvest, the crops actually replenish the soil with nutrients as opposed to leaching it dry. Evidence has shown much higher wheat yields after being planted in fields that the season before, had hosted hemp.

The list as to why people the World over should begin choosing hemp, or for that fact, even organic cotton, is extensive so I needn't ramble on however, these interesting facts below make for interesting reading and encourage most into expressing the words, "Hmph, who would've thought!?".

Did you know that hemp has been in use since 770 AD in order to make everything from clothing, to rope, as well as paper.

American money was once printed on a hemp type paper along with the declaration of independence! Crazy but true!

With the legal growth of hemp in South Africa yet to be passed, I sit and scratch my head wondering what the hold up is?

Sure, it's "apparently" tough to police due to the similarities in appearance to its sister plant marijuana however, the benefits that we stand to achieve in terms of job creation, economic upliftment and becoming more ecologically aware and responsible are massive.

The planting patterns of the 2 plants however, are really quite different so one begs to ask the question, why in fact is the policing part so difficult?

Marijuana is planted with wide spaces between each plant in order to encourage the leaves to grow larger. Hemp is densely packed when grown in order to encourage a strong and thick stem...essential to get the greatest fibers from...essential for efficient paper and cloth production.

Anyhoo, enough with the's your chance to get with global eco-aware trends and make a difference.

Citymob currently have an unbelievable sale on our latest CiVViO hemp/organic cotton tee range. Pay R199 as opposed to the normal retail price of R299! CiVViO 55%hemp / 45% organic cotton tees go for a song!

Should you miss this awesome promotion or be a technofobe and prefer trying clothes on first, head on down to Due South stores today! - only drawback though...normal RRP's will apply.

You won't be disappointed...the more hemp gets worn and washed, the softer it becomes. You and your hemp tee are in for a long relationship together. The world's most durable natural fiber is making a name for itself on the map! Don't miss out!

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